IS2002 Proceedings
of the
Informing Science + IT Education Conference
June 19-21, 2002 Cork, Ireland
Table of Contents
ISSN 1535-07-03
Last Updated: 10-May-02
All papers are in Adobe Acrobat
(PDF) format
All papers have undergone blind peer review by three
Training: The Way to Retain Valuable IT
Thomas Acton and William Golden, pages 0001-0012
Markov Chain-based Test Data Adequacy
Criteria: a Complete Family
Mohammed Al-Ghafees and James Whittaker, pages 0013-0037
Flexibility in Assessment - An Evaluation
of Student Performance
Louise Allsopp, pages 0039-0046
Introducing Information Technology to
Palestinian Schools
Labib Arafeh, pages 0047-0052
Interaction Support System for Unlocking
Computational and Informational Resources
Youcef Baghdadi, pages 0053-0066
Structured Inquiry for Masters Students: A
`Philosophical` Approach
David A Banks, pages 0067-0072
Using the Web to Serve Students as
Information Clients
Thomas J. Beirne, H. David Brecht, and Eugene Sauls, pages 0073-0084
Secure Socket Layer
Mittal Bhiogade, pages 0085-0090
Information Systems in Virtual
Corporations: Issues for ERP Based E-business Systems
Samo Bobek, Vojko Potocan, Simona Sternad, and Heri Spicka, pages 0091-0096
Applying Educational Research to Improve
Teaching and Learning in Information Systems
Ilona Box, pages 0097-0106
Beyond Privacy: The Ethics of Customer
Information Systems
Gordon Boyce, pages 0107-0125
A Template-based Approach to Online
Content Delivery: An Alternative to Blackboard
Gerald F. Braun and Elaine Crable, pages 0127-0135
The Joint Accounting/e-Business Technology
Major: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Curriculum Development
Vince Brenner, Ted Surynt, Judson Stryker, and Fred Augustine, pages
Moving and Growing Together - Delivering
Education in the New Millennium
Renay Buchanan, pages 0145-0153
Student Attitudes to MIS Content in an
MBA: A Comparison Across Countries
Stephen Burgess, Golam M Chowdhury, and Arthur Tatnall, pages 0155-0165
Panel: One Size Does Not Fit All: Critical
and Timely Issues in Computer Centered Curriculum Development
William H.Burkett, Linda Knight, Ian Newman, Thorne Donnelley, and Gail
Burkett, pages 0167-0171
A Case Study of Social and Corporate
Responsibility in Bridging the Digital Divide
Tom Butler, pages 0173-0186
International Internet Based Video
Conferencing in Distance Education: A Low-Cost Option
Graeme Byrne and Lorraine Staehr, pages 0187-0194
Information Privacy Issues in the
Information Age
Netiva Caftori and Steve Teicher, pages 0195-0202
Developing a Model of Student Learning in
a Studio-Based Teaching Environment
Angela Carbone and Judy Sheard, pages 0203-0215
Towards the Project of an Open Catalogue
of Manuscripts
Antonio Cartelli and Marco Palma, pages 0217-0224
Web Technologies and Sciences
Antonio Cartelli, pages 0225-0238
The Digital Divide in Western Europe:
Problems and Prospects
Rod Carveth and Susan B. Kretchmer, pages 0239-0249
Epistemology of Science, Science Literacy,
and the Demarcation Criterion: The Nature of Science (NOS) and Informing Science
(IS) in Context
Teresa Castelao-Lawless, pages 0251-0260
Integrating Intelligent Methodological and
Tutoring Assistance in a CASE Platform: The PANDORA Experience
Elena Castro, Dolores Cuadra, Paloma Martinez, and Ana Iglesias, pages
Pop-Science on the Internet: How ULISSE
Makes the Ends Meet
Simona Cerrato, pages 0271-0280
The Changing Ecology of IT Management:
Cross Disciplinary Explorations of Context and Content
Elia Chepaitis, pages 0281-0289
Reusable and Usable Environment for the
Digital Courseware Domain
Elsabe Cloete and Paula Kotze, pages 0291-0304
Seeking Meaning: The Educationally Critical
Aspect of Learning About Information Systems
Chris Cope, pages 0305-0319
Priorities Assignment for Information
Systems Based on Todim Multicriteria Method
Ana Paula Cabral Seixas Costa, Adiel Teixeira de Almeida, and Luiz F.
Autran M. Gomes, pages 0321-0328
Language Trends in Introductory
Programming Courses
Michael De Raadt, Richard Watson, and Mark Toleman, pages 0329-0337
Benefit, Monitoring & Evaluation System: A
Case Study of Malaysian Technical Education System
Aziz Deraman, Syahrul Fahmi, Mohamad Naim Yaakub, and Abdul Aziz Jemain,
pages 0339-0347
Using OPNET to Enhance Student Learning in
a Data Communication Course
Michael W. Dixon and Terry W. Koziniec, pages 0349-0355
A Multi-Agent Architecture and Protocol
for Knowledge Production: a Case-study for Participative Development of Learning
Juan M. Dodero, Ignacio Aedo, and Paloma Díaz-Pérez, pages 0357-0370
Into the New Millennium: Why do Students
Decide to Study IT?
Sandra Downes, pages 0371-0381
Using Keywords to Improve the Display of a
Search Results List
Offer Drori, pages 0383-0395
Global Information Technology Management
Sudesh M. Duggal, pages 0397-0406
Impact of Taking Information Technology
Exams Using Open Notes
Doris Duncan, pages 0407-0410
Reflections on Communication Processes and
Virtual Teams by Lecturer and Student Cohort: a Case Study
Kathy Egea and Shirley Gregor, pages 0411-0425
Information for Decision Support,
Information for Performance Evaluation - But Don’t Mix Your Drinks
James E. Everett, T. Howard, and M. Kamperman, pages 0427-0439
IT in Education Organization: A Strategic
Planning Approach
Syahrul Fahmy, Abdul Razak Hamdan, and Aziz Deraman, pages 0441-0449
Use of Applet and Servlet Communication
Technique to Administer Online Examinations
Dan Farkas and Narayan Murthy, pages 0451-0457
Implementing an Interdisciplinary Masters
Program in Internet Technology and E-Commerce
Dan Farkas and Narayan Murthy, pages 0459-0463
A Formal Approach to the Teaching of
Abstract Data Types
Laura Felice, Liliana Martinez, and Claudia Pereira, pages 0465-0472
An Instructional Model for Teaching
Troubleshooting Skills
Peter Fenrich, pages 0473-0478
Mid-Career Employees Embracing Technology
(MEET): A Case Study
Brian Fitzgerald and Karen Neville, pages 0479-0486
Informing Potential Computing Students
Marilyn Ford and Jenny Morice, pages 0487-0497
Issues and Opportunities in Digital Rights
Abbas Foroughi, Marvin Albin, and Sharlett Gillard, pages 0499-0506
Education of Overall IT System Design:
Locally Situated E-business
Yoshinori Fujio, pages 0507-0512
The Lack of Communication and the Need of
IT for Supply-Chain Management Strategies in SMEs
Giovanni Fulantelli, Mario Allegra, and Antonia Zelia Pia Vitrano, pages
Evaluation of New Technology
Implementation via POC Analysis
Masaru Furukawa, pages 0523-0531
COLORS for Programming: A System to
Support the Learning of Programming
Stuart Garner, pages 0533-0542
Database Protection: Are Laws Threatening
To Destroy Our Building Blocks Of Knowledge?
Julia Alpert Gladstone, pages 0543-0551
Masters in Information Systems: A
Web-Centric Model Curriculum
John Gorgone and Vijay Kanabar, pages 0553-0563
The Emerging IS Global Profession:
Accreditation - The Quality Assurance Dimension
John Gorgone and Vijay Kanabar, pages 0565-0570
An Instrument to Classify End-Users Based
On the User Cube
Chittibabu Govindarajulu, pages 0571-0579
The Status of End-User Computing Support:
An Exploratory Study
Chittibabu Govindarajulu and Susan K. Lippert, pages 0581-0585
Security of Mobile and Wireless Networks
Kaj J. Grahn, Göran Pulkkis, and Jean-Sebastien Guillard, pages 0587-0600
Impact of Information Systems
Implementations on Vertical Mergers and Acquisitions: A Framework
Nikhil S Gurjar, Sharadchandra D. Jog, Manoj K Jha, and S. Amanullah, pages
A Study of the Influences of Application
Interfaces on End User Training Outcomes
Raj Gururajan and Dieter Fink, pages 0611-0618
Access to Knowledge: Better Use of the
Volkmar H. Haase, Christian Steinmann, and Stephan Vejda, pages 0619-0627
Weaving a Web Development Curriculum
Wayne Haga and Janos Fustos, pages 0629-0643
Shared Visions: Professional Development
for Teacher Education Faculty
Leslie Hall, Clint Fisher, Sandra Musanti, Don Halquist, Matthew Magnuson,
and Darcy Simmons-Klarer, pages 0645-0657
A Study of the B2B Progress in Japanese
Sho Hanaoka, pages 0659-0664
Integration of Upper Division Business
Core Classes: A Lesson in Informing Science
John D. Haney and Mary Bowers, pages 0665-0678
Informing South African Students About
Information Systems
Mike Hart, pages 0679-0688
Teaching eBusiness Concepts using SAP's
OnLine Store
Paul Hawking, Brendan McCarthy, and Susan Foster, pages 0689-0697
An Applied Approach to Teaching HR
Concepts Using an ERP System
Susan Foster, Paul Hawking, and Penny Bassett, pages 0699-0704
Customizable Knowledge Portals for
Igor Hawryszkiewycz, pages 0705-0713
A Role for Information Systems Education
R. Alan Hodgett, pages 0715-0721
A New and Flexible Graphic Organizer for IS
Learning: the Rich Picture
Pat Horan, pages 0723-0729
PANEL on: Using CITIDEL as a Portal for IT
John Impagliazzo, Lillian Cassel, and John A.N. Lee, pages 0731-0732
The Added Value of E-learning
Wendy Jansen, Henk van de Hooven, H.P.M. Jägers, and Wilchard Steenbakkers,
pages 0733-0746
Data Communications and Networking in IS
Curriculum: Framework for the Class Project
Andrzej Tomasz Jarmoszko and Michael Gendron, pages 0747-0752
Comprendiendo Nuestras Politicas: The
Need of an Effective C&IT Policy for a Nation’s Development, The Venezuelan Case
Carmen Joham, pages 0753-0761
Situating the "Research Paper" Assignment
in the IT Workplace
Arthur B. Kahn, pages 0763-0769
The Use of DSS/EIS for Sustainable
Development in Developing Nations
Sherif Kamel, pages 0771-0781
Using IT to Support Knowledge Management -
A Survey-Based Study of a Large, Global Consulting Company
Karlheinz Kautz, pages 0783-0793
Content Management - Concept and Indexing
Term Equivalence in a Multilingual Thesaurus
Susanna Keränen, pages 0795-0809
Ejournalism: Production, Communication,
Interaction and Research Opportunities for Reporters
Alan Knight, pages 0811-0820
Panel on: Can Action Research be
Successfully Used in Information Systems Doctoral Research?
Ned Kock, Robert Davison, Antonio Figueiredo, and Paulo Rupino da Cunha,
pages 0821-0824
Using e-Tools in Computer Science
Education: a Proposal
Herman Koppelman, pages 0825-0829
ICT Industry Certification: Integration
Issues for Post-Secondary Educational Institutions in Australia
Terry W. Koziniec and Michael W. Dixon, pages 0831-0838
Shaping New Paradigms In The Higher
Education Development: Dilemmas For Transitional Countries
Denisa Krbec, pages 0839-0843
Panel on: Global Perspectives and
Partnership on the Information and Communication Technology Divide
Susan B. Kretchmer, Rod Carveth, and Karen Riggs, pages 0845-0857
Towards an Adaptive Multimedia Learning
Frank Kurzel, Jill Slay, and Yenha Chau, pages 0859-0867
On the Dissemination of I.S. Research
Findings into Practice
Michael Lang, pages 0869-0881
Hypermedia Systems Development: Do We
Really Need New Methods?
Michael Lang, pages 0883-0891
Information and Communication Technology:
Gender Issues in Developing Nations
Kimberly Betz Leahy and Ira Yermish, pages 0893-0905
Humanization of the Computer Science
John A.N. Lee, pages 0907-0913
Workshop: Take Blackboard Course Design to
a New Dimension
Barbara Lewis and Virginia MacEntee, pages 0915-0917
Panel on: Software Compare and Contrast:
Blackboard, WebCT and Lotus Notes
Barbara Lewis, Virginia MacEntee, and Pam Youngs-Maher, pages 0919-0931
Knowledge and Decision Making - Do We Want
What We Need?
Bogdan Lipicnik, pages 0933-0938
To Speak or Not to Speak: Developing Legal
Standards for Anonymous Speech on the Internet
Tomas A. Lipinski, pages 0939-0962
Technology Trust: An Inventory of Trust
Infrastructures for Government and Commercial Information Systems In Support of
Electronic Commerce
Susan K. Lippert, pages 0963-0976
TAL Rules Versus ECA Rules: an Attempt for
Comparison in the Credit Management Context
Maria Mach, pages 0977-0986
Virtual Organization to Virtual Product:
Structural Challenges to Online Newspapers
David W. Maguire, pages 0987-0994
Teaching SAP's ABAP Programming Language
to IS Students: Adopting and Adapting Web-based Technologies
Brendan McCarthy and Paul Hawking, pages 0995-1000
Promise and Reality of Practiced
Distributed Education (DE) Faculty Perspective
Mary S. McCully, pages 1001-1007
An e-Business Class Using Just-in-Time
Teaching and Cooperative Learning with a Constructivist Approach
Nina McGarry and Mary Granger, pages 1009-1015
The Scope of e-Learning: Expanded Horizons
for Life-Long Learning
Elspeth McKay and Bill Martin, pages 1017-1029
Communicating Across Borders: A Proposed
Model for Understanding Cross-Cultural Issues for the Successful Strategic
Implementation of Information Systems
John E. Merchant, pages 1031-1041
Customizing the Human-Computer Interface
to Compensate for Individual Cognitive Attitude: An Exploratory Study
Sylnovie Merchant, pages 1043-1049
Network Monitoring Tool
B.B.Meshram, Mittal S.Bhiogade, and T.R.Sontakke, pages 1051-1066
Critique Skills As The Core Competency of
IS Academics
Mike Metcalfe, Jonathan Wilson, and Carmen Joham, pages 1067-1081
Informing Across a Cultural Divide:
Delivery of Distance Education
Iwona Miliszewska and John Horwood, pages 1083-1091
Modelling Online Security and Privacy to
Increase Consumer Purchasing Intent
Michael Milloy, Dieter Fink, and Robyn Morris, pages 1093-1102
A Strategy for Developing End-user-c344
Developers: ‘I Thought I Hated Every Minute of It, But I Learnt Such a Lot’
Ann Monday, pages 1103-1112
Teaching Effective Listening Skills to
Information Systems Majors
Janette Moody, pages 1113-1116
Using the Web to Connect Research and
Practice: Towards a Discipline of Evidence-Based Practice
Daniel L. Moody, pages 1117-1133
The Visionary Companies, an Excellent Case
of the Informal Systems Thinking
Matjaž Mulej, Zdenka Zenko, and Vojko Potocan, pages 1135-1144
Student Content Analysis of Business News
Catherine K. Murphy, pages 1145-1148
Panel Discussion: Business Partnering for
IT Education
Ravi Nath, Robert Sweeney, and James Schmidt, pages 1149-1150
Tailoring Educational Elements for Academic
Teaching - The JurMOO
Bernhard Nett, Birgit Huber, Susanne Knirsch, Léa Meyer, Bernd Remmele,
Frank Röhr, Britta Schinzel, and Benjamin Stingl, pages 1151-1163
An Innovative Model to Foster Web-based
Collaborative Learning
Eugenia M. W. Ng and Ada W. W. Ma, pages 1165-1171
Course Integration as Learning Environment
for Increasing Competence
Stig Nordheim and Hans Olav Omland, pages 1173-1186
E-Business Education: A Comparison of
Graduate Programs and Curricula
James E. Novitzki, pages 1187-1196
Foot and Mouth Disease: Informing the
Briony J Oates, pages 1197-1208
Teaching Database Research Methods in
Marketing Research Classes: A View from the Trenches
Joseph L. Orsini, pages 1209-1216
Designing a Tool To Know Invisible
Resources: the Hyperguide Project, an XML Storyboard for Digital Collections
Augusta Maria Paci and Daniela Canali, pages 1217-1220
Automated Essay Grading System Applied to
a First Year University Subject - How Can We Do It Better?
John Palmer, Robert Williams, and Heinz Dreher, pages 1221-1229
Organising Information And Procedures For
Effective Communication Across Multinational Campuses
Sharon Parr, pages 1231-1238
Yet Another Role for Job Satisfaction and
Work Motivation: Enabler of Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Sharing
Celina Pascoe, Irena Ali, and Leoni Warne, pages 1239-1248
IT Ethics in the Internet Age: New
Sanjeev Phukan, pages 1249-1257
Internet Addiction Disorder and Identity
on line: the Educational Relationship
Stefania Pinnelli, pages 1259-1265
The Virtual Organization from the
Viewpoint of Informing
Vojko Potocan and Marina Dabic, pages 1267-1275
Environmental Visualisation as an
Informing System
Brian Quinn and Ian D Bishop, pages 1277-1290
An In-forming Web-based Environment for a
Bachelor of Software Engineering Degree - DoIT
Sita Ramakrishnan and Ashley Cambrell, pages 1291-1299
e-Governance for Municipal Hospitals:
Subsidy Vs Quality of Healthcare Services
K. V. Ramani and T. S. Lakhia, pages 1301-1309
A Technique for Teaching Website
Effectiveness in Undergraduate I.S. Courses
Eugene Rathswohl, pages 1311-1316
Collaborative Virtual Environments to
Support Communication and Community in Internet-Based Distance Education
Sam Redfern and Niall Naughton, pages 1317-1327
The New Tertiary Model and Its Low-Level
Tony Richardson, pages 1329-1332
Learning Object Repository Technologies
for TeleLearning: The Evolution of POOL and CanCore
Griff Richards, Rory McGreal, and Norm Friesen, pages 1333-1341
Tailoring Information to the Needs of
Peter Rittgen, pages 1343-1355
Collaborative Technologies for Knowledge
Management: Making the Tacit Explicit?
Vicki Romaldi, pages 1357-1365
The Inexact Science of Informing Ourselves
Lynne Marie Rudasill, Katherine McNeill-Harmon, and James Jacobs, pages
The Austrian Electronic Economic Chamber
Christian Rupp, pages 1383-1387
The Semanference System: Better Search
Results through Better Queries
Anthony Scime and Colleen Powderly, pages 1389-1402
The Skills Gap as Observed between IS
Graduates and the Systems Development Industry: A South African Experience
Elsje Scott, Robert Alger, Simon Pequeno, and Nicky Sessions, pages
Reflections on a Course in Emerging
Information Technologies
J. Frederick Sencindiver and William Money, pages 1413-1417
Human Factors in Person-Technology
Relations in Business Decision Making
Rimvydas Skyrius, pages 1419-1426
Regional IS Knowledge Networks:
Elaborating the Theme of Relevance of IS Research
Torbjörn Nordström and Mikael Söderström, pages 1427-1436
Utility and Flexibility Functions for
Potential Customers in B2B E-Commerce Transactions
Boris Stavrovski, pages 1437-1450
Encouraging Minority Enrollment in IT
Degree Programs through Participatory Organizations
Theresa Steinbach, James White, and Linda Knight, pages 1451-1464
Educational Reform as Innovation
Diffusion: Development of a Theory and Test of a Model Using Continuing
Professional Development and Instructional Technology
Michael Szabo, pages 1465-1480
Electronic Commerce Specialisations in
MBAs: An Australian University Case Study
Arthur Tatnall, Chris Groom, and Stephen Burgess, pages 1481-1488
Curriculum Development in the Informing
Sciences: Ecological Metaphor, Negotiation or Actor-Network?
Arthur Tatnall and Bill Davey, pages 1489-1495
Information Technology Applications in the
Material Handling Equipment Industry
Virginia Anne Taylor, pages 1497-1502
Collaboration: the Key to Establishing
Community Networks in Regional Australia
Wal Taylor and Stewart Marhsall, pages 1503-1511
Transition From A Microfinance Institution
to Regulated Bank: Technology Infrastructure Planning in a Developing Country
Winston Tellis and Aaron Seymour, pages 1513-1525
Teaching Architectural Approach to Quality
Software Development through Problem-Based Learning
Kam Hou Vat, pages 1527-1540
Creating Informative Data Warehouses:
Exploring Data and Information Quality through Data Mining
Herna L. Viktor and Wayne Motha, pages 1541-1550
Informing IT Managers - Why the Bank for
International Settlements is Establishing a Capital Charge Guideline for
Operational Risk: the Australian Evidence
Christopher Viney, pages 1551-1562
Data Mining in Computer Auditing
The Ying Wah and Mustaffa Kamal Nor, pages 1563-1570
MERLOT: Multimedia Educational Resource
for Learning and Online Teaching
Terry Weech, pages 1571-1577
Lessons in Reality: Teaching Project
Management, Professionalism and Ethics to Third Year IT Students
Vicky Wilson, pages 1579-1589
The Evolution of a B.S. Internet/Web
Program at Purdue University Calumet
Charles Winer and John Maniotes, pages 1591-1600
Encountering Encrypted Evidence
Henry Wolfe, pages 1601-1607