Informing Science + IT Education Conference 2003 Proceedings


Informing Science + IT Education Conference

Pori, Finland June 24-27, 2003

docs\096Stans.pdf Paper Accepted as a/n Regular Paper pages

Barriers to the Take-Up of Electronic Commerce among Small-Medium Sized Enterprises

Mark Stansfield and Kevin Grant

University of Paisley, Scotland

Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland

Since small-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role within many major economies through-out the world,

their ability to successfully adopt and utilize the Internet and electronic commerce is of prime importance in

ensuring their stability and future survival. In this paper, initial findings will be re-ported of a study carried out by

the authors into the use made of the Internet and electronic commerce and key issues influencing its use by SMEs.

In order to broaden the scope of this paper, the results gained from the study will be compared with figures relating

to businesses in the rest of Scotland and the UK, as well as the US, Canada and Japan, and European countries that

include Sweden, Germany, France and Italy. The issues raised from this study will be compared with similar studies

carried out in other countries such as Australia, New Zealand and British Columbia, as well as countries within the

European Union in order to provide a wider meaningful international context for the results of the study.

Keywords: electronic commerce, small-medium sized enterprises, Internet related technologies

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ISSN 1535-07-03
Unless otherwise indicated, this paper has undergone blind external review by three or more reviewers.
Types of Papers: A Best Paper, Regular Paper, Short Paper, Informal Paper, Unrefereed Panel Paper