Informing Science + IT Education Conference 2003 Proceedings


Informing Science + IT Education Conference

Pori, Finland June 24-27, 2003

docs\095Mclel.pdf Paper Accepted as a/n Best Paper pages

An Evaluation into the Role of Online learning in Enhancing the Delivery of an eBusiness related

Masters Course

Evelyn McLellan and Mark Stansfield

University of Paisley, Scotland

University of Paisley, Scotland

Within many educational institutions across the world, the delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate courses is

being facilitated by online learning technologies. The development and transformation of aca-demic courses for

online learning delivery provides a number of opportunities for both the academic in-stitution and prospective

students. However, there are a number of important issues that need to be ad-dressed if online learning is to

contribute to the educational experience of the student in a positive way and actually enhance teaching and

learning as compared with more traditional face-to-face delivery. This paper describes the process of transforming

a Masters course in the Management of eBusiness of-fered by the University of Paisley from a distance learning to

an online distance learning course. The paper will identify the main educational theories that informed and

influenced the development of the online course as well as identify the main lessons learnt from evaluating the

course which has now been running for a number of years. The lessons learnt will be of interest to many people

involved in the de-velopment and running of online learning courses.

Keywords: Online learning, deep learning, strategic learning, eBusiness, learner participation

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ISSN 1535-07-03
Unless otherwise indicated, this paper has undergone blind external review by three or more reviewers.
Types of Papers: A Best Paper, Regular Paper, Short Paper, Informal Paper, Unrefereed Panel Paper