Informing Science + IT Education Conference 2003 Proceedings
| Informing Science + IT Education Conference |
| Pori, Finland June 24-27, 2003 |
| Developing Real World/Virtual World Hands-on Experiments for IT Students |
| Lawrence Schmitt and James Aflaki |
| Christian Brothers University, USA |
| Christian Brothers University, USA |
| This paper outlines the design and development of an interactive virtual laboratory toolset, TelcSim, de-signed to |
| enhance students’ learning of basic telecommunication principles. This study establishes the increasing demand for |
| technically competent IT professionals throughout this decade. Next, the mix, motivation, and background of |
| students entering the university environment to obtain the skills neces-sary to meet this demand are explored. |
| Based on the result of this analysis and the examination of cur-rent learning theories, their use and applications, a |
| virtual laboratory toolset (TelcSim) was developed. A preliminary evaluation of TelcSim shows great promise and |
| meets the goals set forth during its de-sign. Recommendations for further development and enhancements are |
| explored in conclusion of this article. Included are screen prints showing a sample of TelcSim features. |
| Keywords: IT Education, Telecommunications, Simulation, Virtual Laboratory |
Unless otherwise indicated, this paper has undergone blind external review by three or more reviewers.
Types of Papers: A Best Paper, Regular Paper, Short Paper, Informal Paper,
Unrefereed Panel Paper