Informing Science + IT Education Conference 2003 Proceedings


Informing Science + IT Education Conference

Pori, Finland June 24-27, 2003

docs\097Green.pdf Paper Accepted as a/n Regular Paper pages

Utilising Equipment Matrices for Information Technology in Primary Education Policy

Anita Greenhill and Gordon Fletcher

University of Salford, England

Griffith University, Australia

This paper is a reflective discussion on the use of equipment matrices to determine infrastructure re-quirements in

an education context. This position was originally presented within the wider framework of a government-funded

research project to initiate national policies for implementing IT within primary schools. Equipment matrices were

seen by the policymakers funding this reasearch as an appropriate method for representing the needs of a school.

Equipment matrices represent a systematised and regularised understanding of the relationships between social

practices and technological tools (Curriculum Materials Information Services, 1997). The users of these tools are

enmeshed within the matrix through a complex combination of meanings and interaction. However, the

correlation of variables within a two-dimensional matrix produces a ‘simple’ representation of the available

information that is heavily abbreviated. Lost among this condensation are the needs and presence of the user-c344,

either individually or collectively. The ‘snapshot’ of information that matrices pre-sent is, however, refined by the

direct inclusion of volatile information such as contemporary equipment and sofware specifications.

In this paper we argue that the range of factors beyond technical specifications that influence the use and

understanding of information technology are necessary elements within any consideration of IT infra-structure

requirements. These, however, can only be simultaneously included in the equipment matrix representation with

more expansive incorporation of multiple parameters. Simplification, we advocate, should not be the aim of the

methods that determine educational infrastructure requirements but rather, in its place, is the need for sensitivity to

the learners and their needs.

Keywords: Education Policy, Infrastructure, Student-Focussed Education

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ISSN 1535-07-03
Unless otherwise indicated, this paper has undergone blind external review by three or more reviewers.
Types of Papers: A Best Paper, Regular Paper, Short Paper, Informal Paper, Unrefereed Panel Paper