Informing Science + IT Education Conference 2003 Proceedings


Informing Science + IT Education Conference

Pori, Finland June 24-27, 2003

docs\170Levin.pdf Paper Accepted as a/n Panel pages

Panel on: The Creation and Distortion of Communication through Information Technology

Paper Title: Misinformation published on the Internet:

It's time to update the Sullivan Rule

Kenneth J. Levine

Emerson College, USA

The United States Supreme Court has ruled on several cases concerning the publication of misinforma-tion, either

intentional or unintentional. In the leading case, New York Times v. Sullivan, the Court ruled that public figures

can recover damages for misinformation by proving "actual malice" from the publisher. As "publication" on the

Internet provides the ability to quickly and anonymously modify text, this presen-tation will suggest that the Court

should review Sullivan in light of the new technology.

Keywords: Defamation, Anonymous defmation, Libel, Cyber-libel, Sullivan rule, Misinformation, Actual malice

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ISSN 1535-07-03
Unless otherwise indicated, this paper has undergone blind external review by three or more reviewers.
Types of Papers: A Best Paper, Regular Paper, Short Paper, Informal Paper, Unrefereed Panel Paper