Andžela Armonienė
University of Vilnius, Lithuania
A lot of research questions are surrounding the implementation of the concept of integrated communication and possible solution may be a process of evolutionary developed integration as well as a new understanding of strategic planning directed by an outside-in view. The movement toward outside-in development seems to be one of the greatest transformations and the mostly difficult to overcome obstacle. This process has started together with the boom of information and communication technology and has still been in a nascent state, which is related to tremendous energy condensation and the greatest potency in a new age. However, difficulties of measurement are not helpful for building an original wholeness of theoretical and methodological premises of integrated communication. Thus, the article is aimed to introduce some initial findings about the cultivation of the "tulip rose" (Rosengren, 1989, 28) in this research field of reinvented and redesigned communication.
Key words: integrated communication, outside-in view, nascent state.