Changing Education to Meet the Needs of Future Informing Science Clients:
Suggestions for New Curriculum Frameworks

Sanjeev Phukan
Bemidji State University, USA

[email protected]


In the last 10 years we have seen enormous and dramatic changes in the way we view and use Information. These changes have had far reaching effects, including, but certainly not limited to, the creation of a complex and vibrant global economy, and a sea change in the way we live, work and play. Profitability and survival are increasingly contingent upon an ability to successfully operate in this global arena. Technology has played a pivotal role in the creation of this global economy and will be a crucial determinant of success for organizations that operate within it. These organizations must and will demand a comprehensive array of attributes and skills from their personnel. Information Systems (IS) professionals particularly will be called upon to provide their clients with relevant and timely information, which is a major component of the concept of an “Informing Science” as presented.